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Australian Association of Graduate Employers

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About AAGE Membership

Membership is corporate (in other words AAGE memberships are sponsored and retained by the organisation). Each organisation nominates a Key Member Representative, who should be in a position to represent their organisation's view on graduate recruitment and development. These nominated Member Representatives are then eligible to receive the numerous benefits as outlined below. Additional Representatives from the same organisation are then able to join for a nominal fee. Many organisations choose to join up additional members from a variety of states across Australia, allowing their teams to access and benefit from the national AAGE network.

Currently the AAGE has over 1,400 individual members representing over 600 different organisations (over 450 of which are Full Members/employer member organisations).

Member Representatives receive many benefits:


The AAGE provides members with regular opportunities to connect with employers, universities, suppliers, industry associations, student societies and candidates.

Annual Conference

The annual AAGE Conference focuses on the professional development of our members, and addresses key graduate recruitment issues, such as the 'how to of graduate recruitment', the latest industry innovations and the big issues facing graduate recruiters today. Member representatives are entitled to discounted delegate rates, saving up to $200 on the conference registration fee.


AAGE workshops are usually held 5 to 6 times a year and are complimentary for Member Representatives. Non members can also attend these events for a fee.  Chosen themes are a direct response to current industry trends and issues, but regardless of theme or format, the focus remains on knowledge sharing and networking. Regular feedback from members highlights the invaluable opportunity of expanding one's network and sharing experiences with others in the graduate recruitment industry.

Master Classes

The AAGE has introduced additional events to its existing calendar of regular workshops and the annual conference, including an annual one day Practitioner Master Class. Member discounts are made available to AAGE member representatives, and invitations are extended to members as our first priority.

The Big Meet

The Big Meet is a one-day careers fair which is promoted to all students from all universities in each host city. Currently Big Meet events are hosted in Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney in March/April each year. The Big Meet Careers Fairs were created as a result of feedback received from employers from both the private and public sector. Employers have asked for a cheaper or more efficient way of promoting themselves to potential candidates rather than attending several different careers fairs in the same city. Each Big Meet event is held at a purpose built exhibition venue at a central location. Significant discounts ($400 per event) exist for AAGE Members to exhibit.

AAGE Mentor Program

AAGE employer members have the opportunity to participate in our free AAGE Mentor Program. The Mentor Program is designed to help connect and support new AAGE employer members by matching them with experienced employers within the AAGE membership body. The program is completely voluntary and is a great way to connect with other industry professionals.


The AAGE collects and distributes a range of information, insight, and intelligence that helps members reach informed decisions. We conduct a number of annual research surveys which offer analyses of statistics about employers, candidates, graduates and interns.

Annual AAGE Employer Survey

The Employer Survey is designed to survey all the AAGE's Full Members providing ways for employers to benchmark themselves against their competitors and help them to plan for upcoming graduate recruitment campaigns. The Survey collects data on a range of issues including: number of vacancies; graduate starting salaries; spend on marketing; selection methods used; spend on graduate development and graduate retention rates. Any AAGE Full Member who participates receives a FREE detailed report summarising the feedback collected from all employers who respond to the Survey. Non-Members can purchase this report and non-participating Members can access the report at a discounted price.

Annual AAGE Candidate Survey

The Candidate Survey is designed to survey all the candidates who have been offered a graduate position with an AAGE Full Member organisation during each year. The Survey collects data on a range of issues including: usage of careers material/information, reasons for applying, offers received, reasons for accepting, expected time with future employer and views on the best employer in each market sector. Any AAGE Full Member who participates receives a FREE detailed report summarising the feedback collected from all candidates who respond to the Survey. Non-Members can purchase this report and non-participating Members can access the report at a discounted price.

Annual AAGE Graduate Survey

The Graduate Survey is designed to collect data from graduates who have recently completed 12 months of full time employment on a graduate program. The Survey collects data on a range of issues including: expectations versus reality; quality of work; quality of training and views on supervisors. Any AAGE Full Member who participates receives a FREE detailed report summarising the feedback collected from all graduates who respond to the Survey. Non-Members can purchase this report and non-participating Members can access the report at a discounted price.

Annual AAGE Intern Survey

The Intern Survey is designed to collect data from students who have participated in work experience placement programs. The Survey collects data on a range of issues including: expectations versus reality; quality of work; quality of training and views on supervisors. Any AAGE Full Member who participates receives a FREE detailed report summarising the feedback collected from all interns who respond to the Survey. Non-Members can purchase this report and non-participating Members can access the report at a discounted price.

AAGE UniStats Report

The UniStats Report provides detailed statistics on the number of students who commence and complete an undergraduate degree at Australian universities. The original data is collected by the Australian Government and the AAGE packages this information into a number of charts and tables.  This data is broken down by university and degree subject, giving AAGE Full Members the ability to identify the number and location of candidates with specific qualifications. The AAGE UniStats Report is provided free of charge to all Full AAGE Members.

AAGE UniGrades Report

The AAGE UniGrades Report provides a summary of the exam grading structure for all Australian universities. For each university there is a description of the grades used (e.g. Higher Distinction, Distinction, Credit etc) as well as the percentage band allocated to each grade. The AAGE UniGrades Report is provided free of charge to all Full AAGE Members.

AAGE SocList

The AAGE's SocList document provides a summary of the contact details for over 300 different student societies at universities across Australia. SocList is useful for employers that are targeting particular degree subjects that wish to make contact with the relevant student body. SocList is provided free of charge to all Full AAGE Members.

Full Member Zone

The AAGE website hosts a Full Member-exclusive login area, containing members-only information and conveniently available to each Full Member once logged into their profile.


The AAGE communicates and recognises best practice commonly followed by the leaders and innovators in our industry.

Annual AAGE Graduate Recruitment Industry Awards (AGRIAs)

Each year the AAGE rewards outstanding examples of excellence in the graduate recruitment industry through its annual AAGE Graduate Recruitment Industry Awards (AGRIAs). The AGRIAs are a wonderful opportunity to showcase your organisation as an industry leader and we encourage ALL members to enter the Awards and gain solid recognition for their winning strategies. Winners are announced at the AAGE annual Gala Dinner, which takes place during the annual Graduate Recruitment Conference. Further information on the AGRIAs can be found at

Top Graduate Employers list

The aim of the Top Graduate Employers list is to recognise those organisations which provide the most positive experience for their new graduates as determined by the graduates themselves.

​The Top Graduate Employers list is created from the results of the AAGE's annual Graduate Survey. The survey participants are all current graduates who have up to 12 months of full-time experience with their organisation.

The survey is completed anonymously and graduates are asked to rate their employer on around 25 different categories including:

  • Orientation or induction program
  • Training and development program
  • Quality of work
  • Career progression
  • Supervisor or manager
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Work/life balance
  • Company culture

All the individual responses from graduates at a particular employer are combined and used to determine an overall average rating for that organisation. This same process is followed for each separate employer to produce an overall average rating for each organisation based on the responses of its own graduates. All of these overall average ratings are then compared and ranked to produce a list of the Top Graduate Employers which are shown on this website:

Top Intern Programs list

​The aim of the Top Intern Programs list is to recognise those organisations which provide the most positive experience for their interns as determined by the interns themselves.

The Top Intern Programs list is created from the results of the AAGE's annual Intern Survey.

The survey participants are all current undergraduates who were part of their employer's intern program.​ Therefore, respondents have first hand knowledge of the employer's intern program.

The survey is completed anonymously and interns are asked to rate their employer on around 15 different categories including:

  • Induction and training
  • Content of work
  • Ability to work on different projects or in different areas of the organisation
  • Quality of supervision provided by manager
  • Amount of responsibility
  • Access to senior management
  • Feedback on performance
  • Social life
  • Organisation's culture and values

All the individual responses from interns at a particular employer are combined and used to determine an overall average rating for that organisation. This same process is followed for each separate employer to produce an overall average rating for each organisation based on the responses of its own interns. All of these overall average ratings are then compared and ranked to produce a list of the Top Intern Programs which are shown at


Member eNewsletter

We keep members up to speed with industry 'happenings' as well as AAGE news and events through our quarterly electronic newsletter.

The AAGE How To Handbook: A guide to graduate recruitment

A subcommittee of graduate recruitment industry veterans, whose careers have been dedicated to the recruitment and development of graduates, have shared and combined their experience and ideas, giving rise to this publication. The Handbook is designed to assist those new to the industry, as well as serve those who are already involved in graduate recruitment to seek best practice. Topics include the attraction, selection, induction and development of graduates, and content is included regarding professional development for graduate employers themselves. Members receive a 50% discount upon ordering this publication.


The AAGE offers a job alert and talent notice section of our site. This service is aimed to provide AAGE members with a method of advertising available positions within the graduate recruitment and/or development space to one another, as well as publicising profiles of current job seekers in the field. Visit the Jobs and Talent page for further information.


The AAGE has a number of 'sister associations' across other countries, including the United States, the UK, Canada, South Africa, Hong Kong and New Zealand. Click HERE to find out more about some of those that we have affiliation with, including the global body, the International Network of Graduate Recruitment and Development Associations (INGRADA).


View our listing of current Australian and New Zealand university semester dates here.

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