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Australian Association of Graduate Employers

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2021 AAGE Attraction and Assessment Roundtable - Brisbane

  • 10 Feb 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand - Level 13, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane
  • 11


What's on your mind?

You are invited to join us for the AAGE's upcoming Attraction and Assessment Roundtable in Brisbane.

This is an exciting opportunity to meet your peers from the graduate resourcing and development industry to discuss a range of issues related to attraction and assessment such as:

  • What attraction strategies are being used for the 2021 recruitment season?
  • How successful are marketing channels such as careers fairs, campus ambassadors and social media?
  • ​What attributes are employers seeking during the 2021 campaign?​
  • Are employers using competency frameworks, success profiling or strengths-based assessment?
  • ​What assessment tools are employers using to screen and select their candidates?
  • How useful are aptitude tests, ​video interviews or gamification?​


Complimentary entry for AAGE members.

Non-members and member colleagues may attend for $40 + GST.   

Members must be logged in to access complimentary registration.

NOTE: To keep overall numbers manageable, we request that each industry association, service provider and university registers no more than 2 representatives for each separate February Roundtable.


In order for us to cater appropriately, please let us know if you need to cancel your attendance. In order to cancel an invoice raised OR receive a refund for event attendance, the AAGE requires a MINIMUM of 24 hours' notice to receive notice of your intention to cancel. All cancellation requests need to be received in writing via


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